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Introducing Paper & Ink

Entrance of Fung Ping Shan Library



Established in 1932, the Fung Ping Shan Library has collected more than 700 rare titles (11,000 volumes) dating back to the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. Many of these rare editions and manuscripts—invaluable conveyors of information, precious historical artefacts and works of art—were acquired from the Jiaye Library (Jiayetang), a private collection located in Nanxun (now Huzhou, Zhejiang province) during the Republican period (1912–1949) in China. 

​朱韶題記 Inscription by Zhu Shao
沈彩墨蹟 Calligraphy of Shen Cai


Inscription by Zhu Shao

(清) 沈彩墨蹟

Calligraphy of Shen Cai (Qing)




三四十年代的抗戰時期,不少藏書家為生活所迫,出售其珍藏以求糊口。大約在1940年年底,劉承幹便有意出售其部份珍藏,並擬先售其明本或宋元本,而稿鈔本及清刊本則極希望留下。後來其宋元本及稿鈔本大多售予張叔平 (1898-1970),中途又經朱韶 (字嘉賓) 短暫收藏。約在1952年前後,馮平山圖書館館長陳君葆 (1898-1982) 從汪希文 (1890-1960) 處得悉劉承幹欲出售其手上善本。香港大學中文學院林仰山(F.S. Drake,1892-1974)教授及饒宗頤教授便極力推薦香港大學收購。1953年3月中這批珍藏大部份為馮平山圖書館購入,載入馮館的登錄冊內,另一部份則由在香港出生的葡籍白樂嘉 (José Maria Braga,1897-1988) 所購得,後於1958年轉售予澳門何東圖書館。1961年11月白樂嘉代表葡萄牙政府把 “Portugaliae monumenta cartographica” 一書送給香港大學,而同時將購自嘉業堂的五冊《四庫全書》零本送予馮平山圖書館。《四庫全書》寫本第一次登陸香江,馮平山圖書館亦成為本地第一所庋藏《四庫全書》寫本的圖書館。

Fung Ping Shan Library: The University of Hong Kong and the Jiaye Library

In the early 1950s the Fung Ping Shan Library acquired 120 titles (1,264 volumes) that originally belonged to the Jiaye Library. These included block prints from the Song (2 titles), Yuan (13 titles), Ming (20 titles) and Qing (2 titles) dynasties, 4 Japanese block prints and 79 manuscript titles. All of them are highly valuable and the manuscripts are considered gems of the Jiayetang collection.

Many book collectors were forced to sell their collections in order to survive during the war with Japan in the 1930s and 1940s. Towards the end of 1940, Liu Chenggan also intended to sell part of his collection. He hoped first to sell the Song, Yuan and Ming block prints and to keep the manuscripts and Qing editions. Things did not go exactly to plan, and eventually he was forced to sell a majority of his Song and Yuan block prints and manuscripts to Zhang Shuping (1898–1970). 

Around 1952, Chan Kwan-po (1898–1982), Librarian of the Fung Ping Shan Library from 1934 to 1953, learned from Wang Xiwen (1890–1960) that Liu Chenggan intended to sell the remainder of his rare books. Professor F.S. Drake (1892–1974) and Professor Jao Tsung-I of the School of Chinese strongly recommended that the University should acquire the collection. In mid-March 1953, the Fung Ping Shan Library acquired most of the collection. The remaining titles were purchased by the Hong Kong-born Portuguese historian José Maria Braga (1897–1988). Braga resold his Jiayetang Collection in 1958 to the Sir Robert Ho Tung Library in Macao, except for five Siku Quanshu manuscripts, which he presented on behalf of the Portuguese Government, along with the 6-volume Portugaliae monumenta cartographica, to The University of Hong Kong in November 1961.

For more information about the 

Fung Ping Shan Library Rare Books Online, Please visit our website:

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